Funding Resources
\There are a variety of funding options for eligible projects. 'Match' refers to a requirement of additional funding through in-kind (volunteer) or dollar sources up to a defined percentage of the grant amount requested. Please refer to our list of technical assistance providers before beginning any grant process. They can help you define, design, and plan a project, which are necessary steps before beginning a grant proposal. If you have any questions about funding or applications, contact the Westside WRC at
Focus: individual, non-profit and government sponsored restoration, enhancement and education and efforts in regional watersheds
Deadline: Check website for current deadlines and upcoming information sessions.
Match and limits: Check website for current funding amounts and match requirements.
Focus: schools, churches, businesses and other community organizations for projects that protect and enhance watershed health at the local level. Eligible project types include restoration, education and monitoring, stormwater, naturescaping, and ecoroofs. Up to $3,000 of the request can be for technical assistance and project coordination.
Deadline: Annually in early February.
Limits: Up to $12K per project. No match requirement, but projects that include matches are more competitive.
The Community Small Grants program is open to any group or project working to benefit a neighborhood or community within the D4C Coalition boundary.
Focus: on-the-ground restoration projects on public or private lands.
Deadline: Quarterly cycle.
Limits and Match: Up to $15,000 per project; total cost must include a 25% match (e.g. $18,750 project total, $15,000 grant request, $3,750 landowner and/or in-kind).
Focus: conservation projects, conservation education, and community events that promote natural resource conservation.
Deadline: See website link above for info on upcoming opportunities and deadlines.
Limits: Dependent on project, contact conservation district staff for specific details (projects may apply during more than one funding cycle).
Focus: Enhance infrastructure for street and neighborhood level stormwater management projects.
Deadline: Twice yearly on November 1 and May 1.
Limits and Match: No funding limit. No match requirement, but projects that include matches are more competitive.
Other notes on funding:
There are many other funding sources for watershed education projects. Please contact the WWRC at for assistance.
Projects done in partnership with SOLVE Earth Day events are eligible to apply for grants up to $100.
In the past, agencies such as the EPA, Oregon DEQ, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, US Fish & Wildlife, and Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife have periodically had funding opportunities aligned with water quality or habitat enhancement.