Restoration Resources
Want to enhance wildlife habitat in your backyard? Organize a group of neighbors to clean up the creek around the corner? Click on the links below for resources that can help you achieve these goals. Feel free to contact the Westside Watershed Resource Center to seek guidance ( or 503-865-6759).
Education Programs and Workshops (free or low-cost)
Naturescaping (East Multnomah SWCD)
Rain Gardens (East Multnomah SWCD)
Soil School - held annually in April, cosponsored by local SWCDs.
Stormwater Stars workshop series (Watershed Resource Center, West Multnomah SWCD)
Watershed 101 Workshops (Tryon Creek Watershed Council)
Weed Watchers Workshop (Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District)
Erosion Control
Planting for Erosion Control (West Multnomah SWCD)
Erosion Prevention (East Multnomah SWCD)
Erosion control on steep slopes (Clackamas SWCD)
List of grant opportunities open to local landowners and/or community groups on our Funding Resources page.
Gardening for Wildlife and Watershed Health
Metro has a multitude of gardening resources:
An overview of natural gardening, including pest management methods, alternatives to pesticides, information on where to buy, and other resources.
Composting, including construction plans for compost and worm bins.
Reducing waste around your home, and substituting non-toxic cleaning supplies.
The OSU Master Gardener program provides gardening Q&A and support, in partnership with Metro. The Multnomah County office is open Mon-Fri from 10-2 pm; call 503-445-4608, or see website for Clackamas and Washington County contact info.
Xerces Society for invertebrate conservation -- highlighting protection of sensitive insect species, especially pollinators.
Backyard Habitat Certification Program, a program of Columbia Land Trust and Bird Alliance of Oregon (formerly known as Audubon Society of Portland)
Native Plant Nurseries and Online Native Plant Information
Naturescaping: How-to guide on native plant landscaping.
Native plant nurseries in the Portland metro area (some resale, some wholesale; call ahead to check availability and any guidelines for placing an order).
Local native plant nursery map (Backyard Habitat)
Contact the WWRC for assistance if you are looking for plants for a non-profit organization, community of faith, or a riparian landowner, as there may be assistance available. The Portland Bureau of Environmental Services has a native plant minigrant program for those who want to add native plants to their landscape.
Native Plant Society of Oregon - Portland Chapter publishes Guidelines for Native Landscaping.
Native Plant Professionals
Sign up for the Backyard Habitat Certification Program and a program technician will visit your yard to help identify any invasive plants present, and provide ideas and resources on how to best support native habitat.
Go to our Technical Assistance page for a list of local contractors who are well-versed in invasive plant removal and habitat enhancement.
Native Plant Sales
Sparrowhawk Native Plants hosts sales at a variety of locations throughout Portland in fall and spring.
Pet Waste
...a common question at the WWRC. See Dogs for the Environment.
Stormwater Management
Learn more about resources offered through the Stormwater Stars program.
Oregon Rain Garden Guide (14MB file)
Clean River Rewards Stormwater management information, technical assistance and financial incentive program for sewer/stormwater ratepayers in the City of Portland service area.
Soakage Trenches (also called French drains)
Technical Assistance Providers
Obtain professional help in restoring and stewarding your property on our Technical Assistance Providers page
Partnering Organizations and Related Programs
Explore City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) watershed restoration projects
West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District: Technical assistance and funding for native plants, erosion control, and other land management concerns. Staff assistance is prioritized especially toward larger acreage landowners, open tracts, and riparian landowners.