WWRC FREE Tool Loan Program

The Westside Watershed Resource Center's tool loan program is a free service for both individuals and volunteer groups for use in restoration projects in SW and NW Portland: 

Check out our list of tools below, and then submit a tool loan request by completing this form. Once we receive your form, we will contact you to schedule a pick up time.

We have a wide variety of tools that are great for use in:

For questions and assistance placing a tool reservation request, contact us at manager@westsidewatersheds.org or 503-865-6759.

Our Tools (available quantities listed in parentheses)

A-Frame Sign (2)

Action hoe (3)

Bamboo stakes, 4 feet (many)

Broadfork (2)

Push broom (1)

Bucket, 5-gallon (10)

Cultivator (1)

Edger (1)

Gloves (many in sizes S, M, and L)

Hammer (2)

Hand tiller (22)

Hoe (2)

Hula hoe (1)

Landscape staples, metal or corn (many)

Loppers (12)

McLeod (3)

Pitchfork: long handle (3)

Pitchfork: spading, short handle (5)

Post hole digger (2)

Post pounder (2)

Pruner (30)

Pulaski (2)

Rake: leaf (4)

Rake: rock (3)

Rake: thatching (1)

Rebar tool for stake plantings (1)

Rock bar/pry bar (3)

Rubber mallet (2)

Saw: bow (1)

Saw: pruning, long handle (1)

Saw: folding (15)

Shovel: bare root (6)

Shovel: root slayer (1)

Shovel: round, D-handle (13)

Shovel: flat, short handle (6)

Shovel: kids round, 27” handle (8)

Shovel: Round, long handle (20)

Shovel: "shoehoe"/right angle (3)

Shovel: square point, D-handle (9)

Single jack hammer, 4 pound (1)

Sledgehammer, 8 pound (1)

Tool sharpening file (1)

Trowel (20)

Weed wrench: 3” caliper (3)

Weed wrench: 4” caliper (2)

Wheelbarrow: 6 cu ft (2)